Custom Roleplaying and PVM. Stygian Abyss era Characters level, Pets Level even Monsters level and have spirits when they die, Evolution Dragons created by our Co-Founder Raelis. Weapons armor clothing and jewelry all Level up and are configurable....

Come one... Come all... Step inside the UO world of Vice & Virtue. This is a custom shard with an old school playing style that has the added features of all the expansions running thru High Seas. There is much to do, in ways of champs and quests and...

1998 to 2002 UO! The Best Free Authentic Old School Classic Sphere Ultima Online Server ever created! Since 1999 Where OLD school, its the ONLY school...FREE FULL STATS! SO NO MACROING NEEDED! RELIVE THE MEMORIES! Oldest Free Server in the World! 20+...

We have PVM & PVP in Felucca.There are 2 accounts per IP & 2 houses per account. We do family accounts as well. There are No Skill Caps & the Stat Cap is 450. Evo Pets KP's & 16 EP's, Evo Armor & Weapons For...

Russian Ultima Online shard since 2010, with Level system and Classes, Two opposing Alliances, Balanced economy with sufficiently large amount of custom content, Unique crafting and resource gathering systems, Two world projections - War [for fast paced...

The Ultimate Old School Server! 1. KID FRIENDLY....PERMANENT "young"(Apprentice) status. GMs have to set it. 2.Felucca is dedicated to RP. Horse Mounts only. 3.New Faction system with RP involved. 4.New "Game of Thrones", take and...

UO Antares - Russian Shard (c)2004 Sphere 56b Client

UO: Arcane is the only true PVM server Live. We offer no PVP. We focus 100% on the player experience, and because of that we have made a completely custom shard



Imagine a world stuck in pre ren era, add magic (white AND black), add challenging dungeons to explore alone or with big raiding groups. Add city-states in conflict for ideological and religious reasons, always searching for a motivation to start a full...