UO Succession

The Ultimate Old School Server! 1. KID FRIENDLY....PERMANENT "young"(Apprentice) status. GMs have to set it. 2.Felucca is dedicated to RP. Horse Mounts only. 3.New Faction system with RP involved. 4.New "Game of Thrones", take and keep the castle for a daily reward. Much more! 5.Trammel is set to Felucca Rules, so traveler beware! 6.In Trammel alone there are 18 regular dungeons plus many other dungeons added. 7.A Valorite coin reward system which the Felucca RP is part of. 8.Lots of Bosses added, all mounts including the newest ones. 9.Many games, with CTF automated. SIMPLE....FUN....UO:R....NOTHING FANCY....NO UBER STUFF! CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE!

Member Since: 2022-03-20 17:14:54

UO Succession
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Highest 0 0 2 2 50 56
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Highest 0 0 2 2 54 60
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